

Project titles containing * signify that they were created for a previous firm.

WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program


WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program

San Diego County Region, CA


The WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program is funded by a regional water agency and designed to develop living educational content and host outreach classes. The goal of the program is to provide participants with the actionable skills needed to convert their water-thirsty turf into an upgraded landscape which also enhances the ecological function of the region. The program includes an extensive public outreach component to encourage residents to participate. This phase included working closely with the client and the project’s Public Agency Consortium (PAC) to define the message, related graphics and create a project portal website. In addition, social media is used to gain public interest and momentum in this highly successful and award winning program: http://landscapemakeover.watersmartsd.org/

Class 1 EIC 04.30.14 (3).JPG